
Logging and wood trading in Cameroon, Liberia and Myanmar
Lead NCPDenmark
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by the NGO Nepenthes regarding the activities of a Danish multinational enterprise operating in Cameroon, Liberia and Myanmar.
Theme(s)General policies
Date15 Mar 2006
Host country(ies)Cameroon, Liberia, Myanmar
Industry sectorAgriculture, forestry and fishing
StatusNot accepted

In March 2006, the Danish NCP received a request for review from the NGO Nepenthes alleging that a Danish multinational enterprise had breached the employment and industrial relations provisions of the Guidelines with its logging and wood trading activities in Cameroon, Liberia and Burma.

The NCP conducted an initial assessment and concluded that the specific instance did not merit an in-depth consideration.