
“Centre d'Actions pour la Vie et la Terre” and “les Comités Riverains de Veille” & COPAGEF, SOMDIAA and SOSUCAM
Lead NCPFrance
Supporting NCP(s)
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD Guidelines.
Theme(s)Concepts and principles, General policies, Disclosure, Human rights, Employment and industrial relations, Environment
Date23 Nov 2020
Host country(ies)Cameroon
Industry sectorAgriculture, forestry and fishing

Read the Initial Assessment Statement published by the French NCP 12 March 2021: French / English
Read the Final Statement published by the French NCP 25 March 2022: French / English

On 23 November 2020, 14 organisations based in the villages surrounding SOSUCAM’s sugar plantations in Cameroon, and a Cameroonian NGO, submitted a specific instance to the French NCP alleging that SOSUCAM, a Cameroonian subsidiary of the French companies, SOMDIAA and COPAGEF, active in the agri-food sector, had not observed the Concept and Principles (Chapter I), General Policies (Chapter II), Disclosure (Chapter III), Human Rights (Chapter IV), Employment and Industrial Relations (Chapter V), Environment (Chapter VI) provisions of the Guidelines. More specifically, the submitters questioned the adequacy of the company's social and environmental management policy and due diligence in relation to SOSUCAM’s impacts and consultation and dialogue framework with the submitters who represent neighboring villages and communities.

During the initial assessment process, the French NCP sought additional information from SOMDIAA, which it provided. On 11 February 2021, the French NCP decided to accept the case, considering the significant issues related to the Guidelines. Consequently, the French NCP offered its good offices to the parties, which they both accepted on 19 and 22 February 2021.

The French NCP issued its initial assessment statement on 12 March 2021 after consultation with the parties.

The NCP conducted mediation with the parties between June and October 2021.However, due to disagreement regarding some technical aspects of mediation, such as the role of the NCP and the location for meetings, SOMDIAA Group ultimately decided to withdraw its participation in the NCP’s good offices.

The NCP moved to the concluding phase of the procedure and published a final statement on 25 March 2022, determining that the company had not observed the Guidelines relating to human rights and environmental due diligence, stakeholder engagement, and disclosure. The NCP recommended that the COPAGEF Group and its subsidiary SOMDIAA improve their due diligence with regard to the impacts of SOSUCAM’s activities, review SOSUCAM’s policy of engagement with its stakeholders neighboring its plantations, promptly conduct a new social and environmental impact assessment and review their disclosure practices

A follow up is expected in 2023.