10th Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct
15 February 2023
OECD Hybrid Event
Interpretation: French, Spanish
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The 10th OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct took place as a panel in hybrid format on the afternoon of 15 February 2023.
As part of the OECD RBC Week, the panel provided the opportunity to discuss the outcomes of the Ministerial Meeting on Responsible Business Conduct, taking place at the OECD Headquarters in Paris on 14-15 February 2023.
Created in 2013, the Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct is the annual flagship OECD event on RBC. The Forum has become the leading event for governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society to promote international dialogue on RBC and contribute to the effective implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
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Ministerial Meeting
on Responsible Business Conduct
14-15 February 2023 | OECD Headquarters, Paris