2023 Forum
16-17 February 2023
Online & in-person | OECD Conference Centre, Paris
The 9th OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector took place on 16-17 February 2023 in a hybrid format.
The Forum brought together representatives of government, business, trade unions and civil society to review progress on the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector to address emerging risks, and to share learnings on implementing due diligence across geographies in a neutral environment.
Forum side sessions
13-15 February 2023 OECD Virtual Event
The 2023 Forum was accompanied by virtual side sessions organised and hosted by partner organisations.
These sessions took place in the lead-up to the Forum on 13, 14 and 15 February 2023.
OECD Roundtable for Policy Makers
The OECD will host its 5th Roundtable for Policy Makers on Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector on Wednesday 19 April 2023.
The event will be virtual and bring together government officials from adhering and non-adhering governments, as well as representatives from intergovernmental organisations engaged in the garment and footwear sector and its supply chain.
The Policy Maker Roundtable provides an important space for sharing updates, discussing policy options for enabling responsible business conduct (RBC) in the sector and addressing common challenges. Read more about the annual Roundtable for Policy Makers here.
The event is invitation-only. To express interest in the Roundtable, please contact: andrea.schill@oecd.org