7 September 2023: What changed in the 2023 revamp of the OECD Guidelines and why does it matter?
Two public webinars on the updated Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, the first public event held by the OECD setting out what’s new in the Guidelines and why the changes matter. Both webinars feature a panel of stakeholders and a panel of policymakers who will engage in a forward-looking conversation on implementation and next steps for bringing the new Guidelines to life.
5 October 2023: Recoding our understanding of RBC in Science, Tech and Innovation
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The updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct have been adopted, with big changes in the chapter on Science, Technology and Innovation and new clarity for companies on their responsibilities. Join us to dig deeper into what these changes mean, how our understanding of the issues has evolved, and to look at how governments, companies and the OECD are already taking steps to put these new expectations into practice.
19 October 2023, 14:00 CET: Scaling up credible business action on climate:
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Last June, the OECD updated the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, making them the first internationally agreed standard for how businesses should address climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. But what does it mean in practice? How does it relate to net zero targets? What are the implications for conducting environmental due diligence? How will this increase business contribution to a just transition? Join us to unpack the new provisions of the Guidelines’ Environment Chapter and what they mean for businesses and ultimately for people and planet.
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Recordings of the webinars