
  • 3-March-2021

    English, PDF, 1,172kb

    Promoting coherence between the OECD minerals Guidance and the voluntary principles on security and human rights

    This study explores the relationship between the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, in terms of both policy and practice and shows how the linkages and associated impacts can be improved.

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  • 4-February-2021

    English, PDF, 3,010kb

    Introductory paper on SME and RBC in the Garment and Footwear sector

    This paper identifies and examines in which ways the structure and sourcing practices of SMEs can impede or enhance to their capacity to implement meaningful due diligence. This paper is based on the results of a survey about the nature of SME business and sourcing models and due diligence practices conducted with SMEs across six months in multiple languages.

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  • 3-February-2021

    English, PDF, 2,872kb

    OECD Feasibility Study

    More than three years after the adoption of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector, stakeholders are generating increasing amounts of data on how implementation is evolving and maturing. The OECD Feasibility Study seeks to identify and assess potential methodological approaches for measuring the uptake, incentives and outcomes of enterprises’ due diligence practices.

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  • 3-February-2021


    2021 - OECD Forum on due diligence in the garment and footwear sector

    The 2021 OECD Garment Forum was be hosted by the OECD as a virtual forum on 3-4 February 2021, as part of a full week of events, and brought together over 600 representatives from government, business, trade unions and civil society to address emerging risks and to share learnings on implementing labour, human rights, environmental and integrity due diligence in the sector across geographies.

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  • 21-January-2021

    English, PDF, 302kb

    AGENDA - High level event : Responsible Supply Chains in Asia - The role of responsible business conduct in building resilience

    This event will discuss synergies between the role of RBC and International Labour Standards in building resilience in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts to implement the Trade and Sustainable Development chapter of the recently entered into force EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

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  • 22-December-2020


    Integrating Responsible Business Conduct in Public Procurement

    Society has become increasingly aware of environmental and human rights-related risks in global supply chains in recent years. Public procurement can make a positive contribution to economic, environmental and social progress. If not used strategically, though, people and the planet may face more negative impacts. Meanwhile, governments and businesses face calls to take greater responsibility for their purchasing decisions. Risk-based supply chain due diligence can help public buyers to boost responsible business behaviour through public procurement. This report takes stock of current practices integrating responsible business conduct (RBC) in public procurement and identifies possible avenues to increase the impact of public procurement strategies to promote responsible business conduct objectives. Based on a survey with both OECD Members and Adherents to OECD instruments on public procurement and RBC, it covers a wide geographical range and features data focused on responsible business conduct aspects in public procurement. The report encourages policy makers and practitioners in public procurement and RBC to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders, drawing on good practices from across policy areas.
  • 17-December-2020

    Japanese, PDF, 561kb

    A Global Standard: Towards Responsible Mineral Supply Chains (Japanese version)

    This brochure synthesises the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

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  • 16-December-2020

    English, PDF, 394kb

    Agenda: Multi-stakeholder Meeting for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains in Southeast Asia - Closing event of the OECD Southeast Asia pilot project

    This meeting, organised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and supported by the European Union, brings together stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the recommendations of the OECD Pilot on Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains. The meeting will consist of structured discussions to scale-up the implementation of risk-based due diligence and responsible agricultural supply chains in the region.

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  • 14-December-2020

    English, PDF, 8,628kb

    National Contact Points for RBC - providing access to remedy: 20 years and the road ahead

    2020 marks the 20th anniversary of National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct as non-judicial grievance mechanisms under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This report takes stock of NCP activity since 2000 to address the impacts of business activity worldwide, highlighting the challenges faced and reflecting upon how NCPs and governments can perpetuate success and address weaknesses.

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