
Public administration and defence in Australia
Lead NCPAustralia
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by several NGOs regarding the activities of Global Solution Limited operating in Australia.
Theme(s)Consumer interests, General policies
Date1 Jun 2005
Host country(ies)Australia
Industry sectorPublic administration and defence

Read the public statement issued by the Australian NCP concluding the specific instance - 13 October 2006

In June 2005, the Australian NCP received a request for review from several Australian and overseas NGOs who alleged that a UK-controlled multinational, Global Solution Limited, in providing immigration detention services to the Australian Government through its Australian incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary GSL (Australia) Pty Ltd (GSL Australia), had breached the human rights and consumer interests provisions of the Guidelines.

The NCP met separately with representatives from the NGOs and GSL Australia and the NCP determined that it would be appropriate to accept as a specific instance those matters raised by the NGOs that could be shown to relate directly to the conduct of GSL Australia and were within its control. The ANCP also determined that it would not be appropriate to accept those parts of the NGO's submission that sought to address the Australian Government’s mandatory detention policy because the Guidelines do not provide an appropriate avenue to review a host government’s domestic policy settings.

The NGOs and GSL Australia respectively agreed to participate in a mediation session convened by the NCP. During this session a series of mutually satisfactory outcomes were agreed (see attachment B of the NCP's public statement), and the NCP duly concluded the specific instance.