
Deutsche Bank Australia and Mr. Robert Palin
Lead NCPAustralia
Supporting NCP(s)Czech Republic, Germany, United States
DescriptionSpecific instance submitted by Mr. Robert Palin concerning Deutsche Bank's alleged activities linked to the German National Socialist Regime
Theme(s)General policies
Date14 Jul 2019
Host country(ies)Czech Republic, Slovak Republic
Industry sectorFinancial and insurance activities
StatusNot accepted

Read the final statement issued by the Australian NCP - 14 July 2019

Read the review committee statement issued by the Australian NCP – 14 May 2020

On 14 July 2019, Mr. Robert Palin submitted a specific instance alleging that Deutsche Bank was directly involved with the German National Socialist Regime in the illegal and forced expropriation of substantial financial assets belonging to the Weiss family, namely family-owned company shareholdings in Erste Böhmische Glasindustrie AG (EBG, also known as First Bohemian Glassworks Ltd and the Olovi factory).

On 13 December 2019, the NCP published its final statement not accepting the case. This conclusion was based on the fact that the complaint did not relate to the implementation of the OECD Guidelines (first adopted in 1976), which did not exist at the time of the alleged original actions that underpin his claims (1939).

In January 2020, the AusNCP was asked by the notifier to initiate a procedural review on the specific instance. The review was conducted by a Committee of the AusNCP Governance and Advisory Board, who published their findings in a statement released on 14 May 2020.

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