
Activities related to a hydro-electric plant in Laos
Lead NCPBelgium
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by the NGO Proyecto Gato regarding the activities of Tractebel-Suez operating in Laos.
Theme(s)Disclosure, Environment, General policies
Date15 Apr 2004
Host country(ies)Lao People's Democratic Republic
Industry sectorElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

In April 2004 the Belgian NCP received a request for review by the NGO Proyecto Gato alleging that Tractebel-Suez had breached the general policies, disclosure and environment provisions of the Guidelines. The request concerned the area where the plant was built and the related displacement of 2,700 people. It also concerned the environmental management of the plant as well as financial issues with local authorities. It should be noted that the plant had been in activity for a number of years when it was taken over by the Belgian company.

After consulting with the parties involved and providing access to conciliation, on 13 September 2005, the NCP issued a public statement (in French) concluding that Tractebel-Suez had correctly observed the Guidelines.