
Construction sector in Brazil
Lead NCPBrazil
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by the NGO Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) regarding the activities of the company Usina Canabrava operating in Brazil.
Date3 May 2004
Host country(ies)Brazil
Industry sectorConstruction
StatusNot accepted

In May 2004 the Brazilian NCP received a request for review from the NGO Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) alleging that Usina Canabrava had breached the environment provisions of the Guidelines through its construction of a dam and displacement of local populations.

Upon reviewing the specific instance in 2012, the NCP determined that there were two complications with this specific intance:

  • MAB had never officially requested a review of the company's activities;  and
  • Usina Canabrava is not a multinational enterprise and therefore its activities do not fall within the scope of the Guidelines.

The NCP contacted MAB asking if they had further information but the NGO did not. Considering the time lapse from the original notification and the lack of information available to the NCP, it concluded that the specific instance did not merit further consideration.