
Job loss in the manufacturing sector in Brazil
Lead NCPBrazil
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by Antonio Carlos Oliveira, on behalf of a group of former distributors, regarding the activities of Nestlé in Brazil.
Theme(s)General policies
Date15 Jul 2010
Host country(ies)Brazil
Industry sectorManufacturing
StatusNot accepted

Read the final statement issued by the Brazilian NCP concluding the specific instance - 27 April 2012

In July 2010, the Brazilian NCP received a request for review by Antonio Carlos Oliveira, on behalf of a group of former distributors, alleging that Nestlé Brazil Ltd had breached the general policies provisions of the Guidelines by dissolving dozens of distributors after their acquisition of Purina, causing a substantial loss of jobs.

The NCP reviewed the documentation received from Mr Oliveira, but it didn't contain information about when the alleged events occurred. According to subsequent NCP research, the events may have occurred in 2001 or between 2002 and 2003. Given this context, and given that no new evidence had been presented to the NCP since 2010, in March 2012, the NCP decided to reject this specific instance as not meriting further consideration.