
Conectas Human Rights and the Articulation of Rural Employees of the State of Minas Gerais (ADERE-MG) & Nestlé
Lead NCPBrazil
Supporting NCP(s)Switzerland
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD MNE Guidelines.
Theme(s)General policies, Human rights, Employment and industrial relations
Date21 Aug 2018
Host country(ies)Brazil
SourceNGO, Trade Union
Industry sectorAgriculture, forestry and fishing
StatusIn progress

On 21 August 2018, the NGO Conectas Human Rights and the Articulation of Rural Employees of the State of Minas Gerais (ADERE-MG) submitted a specific instance to the Brazilian NCP alleging that six multinational companies, including Nestlé, had not observed the General policies (Chapter II), Human Rights (Chapter IV) and Employment and industrial relations (Chapter V) provisions of the OECD Guidelines. The issues were related to several violations of labour and human rights in coffee plantations located in the South of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. The submitters further alleged that the company failed to observe due diligence standards in their supply chains.

On 12 August 2019, the Brazilian NCP accepted the case for further examination. With agreement of the parties, the initial case was then split into six distinct cases each involving one company.

The Brazilian NCP is now providing its good offices to the parties and examining their submissions.

#nationallaw #directlylinked #stakeholderengagement #civilandpoliticalrights #labourrights #non-standardemployment #labourconditions #vulnerableworkers #integrity #crops #confidentiality #fact-finding #ILOtripartitedeclaration #ILOconventions #policychange #recommendations #follow-up