
Copper mining in Zambia
Lead NCPCanada
Supporting NCP(s)Switzerland
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by the NGO Oxfam Canada regarding the activities of First Quantum Minerals Ltd, a Canadian multinational enterprise operating in Zambia.
Theme(s)Environment, General policies
Date2 Jul 2001
Host country(ies)Zambia
Industry sectorMining and quarrying

Read a summary by the Canadian NCP of the specific instance.

In July 2001, the Canadian NCP received a request for review from the NGO Oxfam Canada alleging that First Quantum Minerals, a Canadian multinational enterprise, had breached the general policies and environment provisions of the Guidelines in in Zambia. The central underlying issue that gave rise to the request was the impending removal of local farmers from company-owned land.

To address this issue, the Canadian NCP facilitated a flow of communications between the company's headquarters in Canada and the Canadian office of the NGO. Both Canadian parties in turn communicated with their operations in Zambia where face-to-face meetings took place. While there was a variance in the facts and opinions reported on each side, a resolution was reached after the company met with groups from the affected communities and worked out an approach whereby the farmers could continue to use the land in the short-term. The Canadian NCP sent a final communication to the Canadian company, copied to the Canadian NGO, which welcomed the spirit of co-operation demonstrated by both parties.

In concluding the specific instance, the NCP also encouraged the company to maintain an open line of communication with the Canadian NGO and other groups concerned about the welfare of people affected by the operations of the company in Zambia. Throughout the process, the Canadian NCP kept the Swiss NCP informed of developments.

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