
Crédit Suisse and Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland (North Dakota Access Pipeline)
Lead NCPSwitzerland
Supporting NCP(s)
DescriptionSpecific instance submitted by the Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland regarding Crédit Suisse and business relations with enterprises linked to the construction of the North Dakota Access Pipeline and alleged human rights violations and environmental impact.
Theme(s)General policies, Human rights, Environment
Date28 Apr 2017
Host country(ies)Switzerland, United States
Industry sectorFinancial and insurance activities

Read the initial assessment issued by the Swiss NCP – 19 October 2017

Read the final statement issued by the Swiss NCP – 16 October 2019

On 28 April 2017, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) submitting a specific instance with the Swiss NCP concerning Credit Suisse’s business relationship with companies involved in the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in the United States. On 19 October 2017, the Swiss NCP undertook an initial assessment, accepting the case for further consideration, and offering its good offices to the parties.

Between July 2018 and May 2019, five mediation meetings took place within the premises of the NCP in Berne involving representatives from the NGO, company, a representative of the NCP, and the independent mediator. On 13 September 2019, the parties reached an agreement on several substantial points and agreed to disclose the results of their discussions.

According to the agreement, Credit Suisse will include the concept of Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) in its internal sector specific policies for Oil & Gas, Mining and Forestry & Agribusiness.

On 16 October 2019, the NCP published its final statement. The NCP will closely follow up with the implementation of the agreed Joint Outcome of the mediation process.

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