
Individual & a German company active in the electricity and gas, and mining sectors
Lead NCPGermany
Supporting NCP(s)
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD MNE Guidelines.
Theme(s)Human rights, Employment and industrial relations
Date29 Dec 2023
Host country(ies)Germany
Industry sectorElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Mining and quarrying
StatusIn progress

On 29 December 2023, an individual submitted a specific instance to the German NCP alleging that a German company active in the electricity and gas, and mining sectors had not observed the Human Rights (Chapter IV), and Employment and Industrial Relations (Chapter V) provisions of the Guidelines. Specifically, issues concerned wrongful dismissal of an employment relationship and deception in a labour court case.

The NCP is in the process of conducting an initial assessment.

#labourrights #labourconditions