
A group of NGOs & a Germany company active in the Agriculture, forestry and fishing, and manufacturing sectors
Lead NCPGermany
Supporting NCP(s)Argentina, Brazil
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD MNE Guidelines.
Theme(s)General policies, Disclosure, Human rights, Environment
Date25 Apr 2024
Host country(ies)Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Germany, Paraguay
Industry sectorAgriculture, forestry and fishing, Manufacturing
StatusIn progress

On 25 April 2024, a group of NGOs submitted a specific instance to the German NCP alleging that a German company active in the Agriculture, forestry and fishing, and manufacturing sectors had not observed the General Policies (Chapter II), Disclosure (Chapter III), Human Rights (Chapter IV), and Environment (Chapter VI) provisions of the Guidelines. Specifically, issues relate to concerns raised by the submitters regarding the company’s handling of human rights and environmental risks in South America associated with the use of the company products.

The NCP is currently conducting its initial assessment.

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