
Comité de Solidaridad de la Causa Árabe (CSCA) & a company active in the construction sector
Lead NCPSpain
Supporting NCP(s)
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD MNE Guidelines.
Theme(s)General policies, Disclosure, Human rights, Consumer interests, Competition, Taxation
Date20 Dec 2019
Host country(ies)Palestinian Administered Areas
Industry sectorConstruction

Read the Final Statement published by the NCP on 25 May 2022: Spanish
Read the Follow Up Statement published by the NCP on 2 June 2023: Spanish

On 20 December 2019, Comité de Solidaridad de la Causa Árabe (CSCA), a Spanish NGO, submitted a specific instance to the Spanish NCP alleging that a company active in the construction sector had not observed the General Policies (Chapter II), Disclosure (Chapter III), Human Rights (Chapter IV), Consumer Interests (Chapter VIII), Competition (Chapter X), and Taxation (Chapter XI) provisions of the Guidelines. Specifically, issues were raised in relation to a light rail construction project in East Jerusalem carried out by a consortium consisting of the Spanish company and an Israeli construction company.

Following some delays due to the Covid19 pandemic, the NCP decided to accept the case for further examination in February 2021. The NCP made an offer of good offices, which was not accepted by either party.

On 25 May 2022, the NCP published a final statement concluding the case without agreement between parties. The NCP issued recommendations for the company, notably to improve or elaborate its internal policies and code of conduct relating to human rights, revise its disclosure policies, and work with an independent third party to prepare a report that examines the social impact of the project. The NCP further recommended that the company remind its partners and suppliers of the OECD guidance relating to due diligence.

On 25 May 2022, the NCP published a follow up statement acknowledging the efforts that the company had made to address the recommendations, and noting that areas for improvement remained.

#duediligence #corporategovernance #civilandpoliticalrights #deceptivemarketing #infrastructure #confidentiality #recommendations #follow-up