
Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU) & Stryker Corporation
Lead NCPIreland
Supporting NCP(s)United States
DescriptionSpecific instance alleging a non-observance of the OECD MNE Guidelines.
Theme(s)Employment and industrial relations
Date11 May 2023
Host country(ies)Ireland
SourceTrade Union
Industry sectorHuman health and social work activities, Manufacturing, Professional, scientific and technical activities

Read the Initial Assessment published 11 December 2023: English
Read the Final Statement published 3 May 2024: English

On 11 May 2023, Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU) submitted a specific instance to the Irish NCP alleging that Stryker Corporation, an American multinational medical technologies corporation with a number of facilities located in Ireland, had not observed the Employment and Industrial Relations (Chapter V) provisions of the Guidelines. Specific issues related to the alleged failure of the company to respect workers’ rights to join trade unions; to have their trade unions recognised for the purposes of collective bargaining; to provide workers’ representatives with necessary facilities and information; and to allow workers’ representatives to consult management on matters of mutual concern.

The specific instance raised additional questions concerning the relationship between the expectations of the Guidelines and the requirements of national law, as well as prevailing labour relations and employment practices.

On 11 December 2023, the Irish NCP published an initial assessment deciding to accept the case for further examination, with the exception of the claim that the company had failed to respect workers’ rights to join a trade union. The NCP made an offer of good offices to both parties, which the company declined. The company indicated its willingness to participate in any fact-finding process.

On 3 May 2024, the NCP published a final statement concluding the specific instance without agreement. The NCP issued the following recommendations to the company:

  • The company or any multinational enterprise seeking to ensure responsible operations in line with the recommendations of Chapter V of the Guidelines should be prepared to engage in collective bargaining with workers’ chosen representatives.
  • Noting that the company honours pre-existing collective bargaining arrangements at two other facilities, the company should consider how these arrangements can be replicated at the facility at issue, so that its entire Irish workforce has the same representational arrangements.

The NCP will follow up on the implementation of these recommendations one year following the publication of the final statement.

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