
Labour rights in India and Italy
Lead NCPItaly
Supporting NCP(s)Netherlands
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by several trade unions regarding the activities of three Italian companies and an Indian multinational enterprises operating in India and Italy.
Theme(s)Employment and industrial relations
Date10 Oct 2007
Host country(ies)India, Italy
SourceTrade Union
Industry sectorManufacturing

In October 2007 the Italian NCP received a request for review from several trade unions alleging that three Italian companies had breached the employment and industrial relations provisions of the Guidelines in India and Italy through their involvement with an Indian multinational enterprise.

The allegations concerned companies in the garment and textile industry. Two companies were clients of an Indian multinational exporter of fabrics and the third company was controlled by the Indian multinational and by its Dutch subsidiary. The trade unions accused the Italian companies of purchasing from the Indian multinational who was allegedly charged with mistreatment of its workers.

The multi-party specific instance was closed thanks to a successful mediation process with the Indian Government, led by a former representative of the Dutch Government.