
Union favouritism in Mexico
Lead NCPMexico
Supporting NCP(s)Finland
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by trade unions regarding the activities of a metallurgical multinational enterprise operating in Mexico.
Theme(s)Employment and industrial relations
Date17 Oct 2012
Host country(ies)Mexico
SourceTrade Union
Industry sectorManufacturing
StatusNot accepted

In October 2012 the Mexican and Finnish NCPs received a request for review from different trade unions alleging that a metallurgical multinational enterprise had breached the employment and industrial relations provisions of the Guidelines in Mexico.

Although the abovementioned requests were submitted by different actors, both referred to the same facts, namely, the existence of irregularities in the ownership of the collective bargaining agreement, the company’s support to another union and unfair dismissal.

The Mexican NCP took the lead in the specific instance and meetings were held with the relevant parties, and consultions were conducted with the relevant authorities.

The information that the NCP gathered during the initial assessment did not produce evidence of the company’s breach of the Guidelines. Furthermore, the information showed that the issues raised in the specific instance were of internal union nature and that the parties should find a solution under the applicable legislation. Accordingly, on 17 May 2013, the NCP decided that the specific instance did not merit further consideration on the part of the NCP.