
Mr Edouard Teumagnie & AES Sonel
Lead NCPUnited States
Supporting NCP(s)None Selected
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by an individual, Mr Edouard Teumagnie, regarding the activities of AES Sonel operating in Cameroon.
Theme(s)Employment and industrial relations
Date27 Aug 2011
Host country(ies)Cameroon
Industry sectorElectricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
StatusNot accepted

Read the public statement issued by the US NCP concluding the initial assessment of the specific instance - 13 September 2012.

On 27 August 2011, the US NCP received a request for review from a Camaroonian citizen, Mr Edouard Teumagnie, alleging that AES Sonel, Cameroon's main electrical utility supplier, had breached the employment and industrial relations provisions of the Guidelines through racially discriminatory salary practices.

After consideration, the US NCP determined the request lacked sufficient substantiation to merit an offer of good offices. Accordingly, on 13 September 2012, the NCP issued a public statement concluding the specific instance.

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