
Lead NCPUnited States
Supporting NCP(s)Germany
DescriptionSpecific instance notified by the NGO Unite Here and partners regarding the activities of a LSG Sky Chefs operating in the US.
Theme(s)Consumer interests, Employment and industrial relations, General policies
Date26 Sep 2011
Host country(ies)United States
SourceTrade Union
Industry sectorTransportation and storage

Read the public statement issued by the US NCP - 1 March 2012.

In September 2011, the US NCP received a request for review from the trade union UNITE HERE alleging that LSG Sky Chefs had breached the general policies, employment and industrial relations, and consumer interests provisions of the Guidelines in the USA.

At the time of the request, the U.S. National Mediation Board (NMB) was overseeing an ongoing negotiation process between LSG Lufthansa and UNITE HERE. Because the NMB was addressing contract negotiations between the parties, the NCP determined it would await the outcome of the NMB process before assessing what, if any, role the NCP might offer to the parties. The NCP did not consider the existence of a parallel proceeding sufficient reason by itself to decide not to offer its good offices, consistent with the procedural guidance of the Guidelines. For their part, the parties did not pursue further involvement from the NCP while the NMB process and contract negotiations were ongoing.

In January 2012, UNITE HERE informed the NCP that the two sides had reached a tentative collective bargaining agreement. In February 2012, UNITE HERE, after consultation with AFL-CIO and IUF, officially withdrew its request for review into the conduct of LSG Sky Chefs. The NCP considers the specific instance closed.

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