
The NCP Database of Specific Instances


The construction and function of the NCP database

Creation of the NCP Database

The OECD NCP Secretariat maintains a database of specific instances handled by NCPs dating back to 2000. Since then, the NCPs have handled several hundred cases. The NCP database was constructed as a means for interested parties to view these submissions and see the NCP process in action.


The database is constructed so that each specific instance is represented on its own webpage. The webpage provides basic information such as the Lead NCP, Supporting NCP(s), Theme(s), Date, Host country(ies), Submitter type, Company sector, Status of the submission, and a summary including keywords. The summary will contain further insight into the details of the case and any relevant procedural information, such as if the NCP has made an offer of good offices. Read more about how NCPs handle specific instances.


The database is sourced through submissions from the NCPs themselves on specific instances they receive and statements published by the NCPs. Submissions associated with public statements will include links to such statements on the individual-specific instance page.

MNE Guidelines database image with visual signature

Search by keyword

To search the database by keyword, you may either enter your desired word or phrase directly into the search bar and press the ‘search’ button or select a keyword from the suggested list of keywords and paste it into the search bar. It is recommended to use the suggested list of keywords where possible as all specific instances are tagged against this list. The search will return a list of specific instances that have the specified text or keyword in the summary of the submission. Note that you may use the ‘Advanced search’ button to the right of the search bar for tips on how to construct a refined search into the database.


Search by category

Using the menu on the right-hand side of the main search page, you may search the database by filtering one or multiple categories. The search allows you to filter by NCP, Theme, Date, Host country, Industry sector, and Status. See below a description of each search field. Note that the list of categories can also be used to refine a search by keyword as described above.

NCP - only the NCPs who have received a specific instance are listed in this field. When a specific instance involves several NCPs, a lead NCP is designated and supporting NCPs are named separately.

Theme - the thematic list is based on the 11 chapters of the 2011 version of the Guidelines. Some specific instances involve multiple themes. 

Date - this field designates the year in which the NCP first received a request to examine an alleged non-observance of the Guidelines.

Host country - only countries who have been host to a specific instance are displayed in this drop-down list. Some specific instances involve multiple host countries. 

Industrial sectors - this list is based on UN ISIC top-level industry sectors. Only sectors that have been the object of a specific instance are visible.

Status - this field contains 3 options:

“In progress” includes all specific instances which are still in the process of being handled. This may include specific instances which are under initial assessment or the “good offices” phase of the process. 

“Concluded” includes all specific instances that are determined to merit further examination and have been closed following an offer of good offices.

"Not accepted" includes specific instances that are determined not to merit further examination.  


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