The Guidelines in action

In addition to the work of National Contact Points and the specific instance mechanism, sector-specific initiatives based on the Guidelines are being developed and used to promote responsible business conduct (RBC) in specific sectors.

A‌gricultural supply chains
As the demand for food increases, agriculture will continue to attract investment and new actors may be confronted with ethical dilemmas and find it difficult to implement good RBC practices. In this context the OECD and the FAO are working together to develop a practical guidance to help investors identify and avoid infringing widely-supported principles of RBC in the sector.

Extractive sector stakeholder engagement
When companies involve stakeholders, such as local communities, in their decision making, it enables them to identify and account for the impacts of their activities, and contribute to positive social and economic development. To address the challenges raised by this, the OECD is preparing a user guide on how to undertake due diligence in engaging with stakeholders for mining, oil and gas enterprises.

Financial sector due diligence
Promoting RBC in the financial sector is vital to building a sustainable global economy. Although the Guidelines’ due diligence recommendations can help financial institutions, the inherent complexities in the sector create challenges. This multi-stakeholder project aims to develop a guidance that will clarify the potential approaches for application of due diligence for RBC in the sector.

Mineral suppl‌y chains
The OECD Due Di‌ligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral ‌purchasing decisions and practices. It is one of the only international frameworks available to help companies meet their due diligence reporting requirements.


Textile and garment supply chains
In the wake of the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh in 2013, initiatives to strengthen regulation of global supply chains in the textile and garment sector have multiplied. Tackling the issues involved requires sustained collaboration among industry, go‌‌vernment, worker organisations and civil society. This project aims to promote such collaboration as well as the harmonisation of existing standards in the sector.